суббота, 30 ноября 2013 г.


Just like every year, you don't notice how the fast the seasons change. I remember chatting with my classmate in a coffee house about the summer just before picking our new school books up. We talked about our plans for autumn, expectations and hopes and now it's the last hour of autumn and it feels like I need a little summary of what happened lately.

September passed too quickly. Strange month, actually. A month of having your mind in summertime and your body in classes. Now that I don't attend my extra-English my life got simpler and more boring. I realized that I've got too much time and too little interests. Or am I just too lazy? That sounds like a fair reason. Moreover, my darling best friend Galina has moved to Germany to study (what I'm really proud of and happy about) and I feel myself lonelier than ever before. Now all my close friends live miles away and life here in Kiev feels too monotonous and routine. I don't mean to whine, it's just about how important people are in our lives... Anyway, I had a lot of necessary things to do and a lot of useful things to learn, which I did and received a fair reward for. I had a chance to prove that all the hard work is paid-off.

October wasn't much different. I cannot even get any particular memories out of my head. Except a nice lunch with my friend, which actually seems to have been in November already. November was a bit more alive, I'd say. I changed my views and attitudes a bit, I took some new things up and got some fresh ideas.

Furthermore, just a couple of days ago people went out on the streets to protest and strike for the association of Ukraine with the EU (which I'm also for) and now things are getting more and more serious. The revolution is in the air! We have kept calm for years of governmental  frivolity but now it is unbearable - people are on the streets standing for themselves, for their children, their rights, their opinions and their future! Everybody is out! I hear cars horning on the streets right now! It's already the second revolution I'm witnessing and it feels exciting.

All in all, my life this autumn feels like a lazy plane slowly rolling out of the hangar towards the runway, gradually speeding up. I'm happy about everything that's happened even though really sorry for the wasted time and my laziness.

sending my cousin to school for the first time
last lesson with Galina

looking through some summer photos

cooking attempts

exploring the city
mum always gets a lot of them


new place

nice escape

school celebrations are always accompanied by these guys (no idea why)

good concerts lately

snail post is totally alive!
(btw just found a letter in my mailbox - feel curious and happy)

sweet treats

                                                           Wish you a good winter, imaginary readers!

P.S. whoever has read this post, I have no clue why you have done that c:

четверг, 28 ноября 2013 г.


Wouldn't say I'm good at photography but a blog without photos is a nerd's blog so here are some random pics.

Basically, these are my film photos.
I really enjoy film photography. To be honest, I've taken it up last year just for one reason - to be more hipster-like. I grabbed my father's old camera, loaded some film and went shooting without any idea how to do it properly.

It has been a fun experience and I really enjoyed it so just after having my film developed and spotting all my mistakes I went for a couple of books on photography. Eventually I've bought one more camera, shot different films and enjoyed it more and more.
Here is what the start has been like.

my fellow cousin

giutar I don't play often

a really strange photo of my and my best friend, but i like it anyway

one of the first shots

school in Germany

somewhere in Kiev

summer at granny's

i suppose it's my very first photo on film


Boom! Hi there!

 И вот я решила завести блог. Не знаю зачем он вам (обращение к воображаемым читателям и Алисе), но я ожидаю от этого замысла большой пользы. Хочу сказать, что на английском мне писать намного легче и приятнее ведь его, в отличии от русского, я учу so from this moment I'll be mostly posting in English.
 As I've mentioned, I expect neither gaining popularity with my blog nor entertaining anyone. I find blogging a way to be more organized and don't waste my time. The thing is that if I make a plan or a promise to myself I don't mind abandoning and breaking it, whereas I don't feel that way towards the public "commitments". I guess blogging will make me follow the plans despite any circumstances. Moreover, I would be pleased to know that at least somebody ever finds something useful in my blog (but I'm still uncertain whether I will have more than one reader).
 Anyway, here is my first post and I really hope it goes well!

P.S. Sorry for my old-fashioned strange English but believe, it's better than my Russian.