Boom! Hi there!
И вот я решила завести блог. Не знаю зачем он вам (обращение к воображаемым читателям и Алисе), но я ожидаю от этого замысла большой пользы. Хочу сказать, что на английском мне писать намного легче и приятнее ведь его, в отличии от русского, я учу so from this moment I'll be mostly posting in English.As I've mentioned, I expect neither gaining popularity with my blog nor entertaining anyone. I find blogging a way to be more organized and don't waste my time. The thing is that if I make a plan or a promise to myself I don't mind abandoning and breaking it, whereas I don't feel that way towards the public "commitments". I guess blogging will make me follow the plans despite any circumstances. Moreover, I would be pleased to know that at least somebody ever finds something useful in my blog (but I'm still uncertain whether I will have more than one reader).
Anyway, here is my first post and I really hope it goes well!
P.S. Sorry for my old-fashioned strange English but believe, it's better than my Russian.
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